The Modern Lycanthrope

Chapter 16- Speed Demon-3

Not even a wince from Luca was earned as he wordlessly began to walk down the metal spiral staircase that began in the center of the room.

He refused to let go of my hand, causing me to trip up a few times trying to keep up with his fast pace down the staircase.

Blaine and Bates followed behind us at a distance and I almost laughed when I realized this was the longest Bates had ever been quiet since I'd met him. However, Luca was angry with him so maybe he was just trying not to push his luck.

We reached the end of the staircase and I shivered at the change in temperature. Concrete slabs that were similar to those holding up the entrance were called walls down here. The flooring was also concrete but it had some sort of plastic layering over it. Bright luminescent lights hung over our heads, illuminating the hallway that seemed to stretch on forever.

Heavy steel doors were scattered among each wall, each with a tiny glass-like window and a plaster with various numbers inscribed.

"Where is he?" I asked.

I flinched as my voice carried, bouncing off the walls and echoing down the corridor. Inside voices, Caroline...

Luca growled lowly and his eyes glared forward at nothing in particular. Jaw clenching tight, he led me to a door not far from the staircase with the number '13' inscribed just below the window.

Although I knew Luca wasn't happy with this, he'd made it very clear we were equals (although his actions said very different things at certain times) and I had every intention of getting what I wanted when it came to something as sensitive as my pack and my family.

"Stand by the door," Luca told Blaine and Bates gruffly.

Luca pressed his thumb over a little gray circle above the door handle. A loud 'click' sounded and he opened the door.

He stepped inside first and then pulled me in behind him.

I stuck my head around his broad shoulders and cursed at his tallness for the millionth time since I'd met him.

My eyes immediately took in the numerous claw marks that occupied the concrete walls. In groups of four, the plethora of marks were about three feet long. They went from one side of the room to the other.

But what horrified me was how they were horizontal across the walls, not vertical. They weren't made from a wolf that had jumped up on the wall. They were made by a person who had stood on two feet and clawed at the walls with swinging arms.

It was unnatural for wolffish characteristics, other than mental, to ever come out while one was in human form. The person, or thing, that had made those marks wasn't just a random wolf who was being reprimanded.

I shuddered at the thought of being in the room that had once occupied a monster but judging by the fact there was no concrete shards or scraps laying around, I presumed it was an old wound to the wall.

I looked at the metal cot that was pushed against the wall where my old acquaintance was sitting.

His knees hanging over the cot and his head leaning against the wall, he didn't look as bad as I'd expected. A white arm sling laid on the cold floor in front of him, having no doubt been used while his arm had healed over the course of the day.

His pale skin looked even paler but he seemed all together fine.

"Here to bring me what I came for?" Jonathan asked Luca.

His cocky attitude remained and it was somewhat discouraging to know he was still head-strong about following his orders.

Luca growled and I tugged at the back of his shirt, keeping him from attacking Jonathan again.

"Why were you sent here?" I asked.

"To bring you home. I told you that," he said.

"I've been gone for almost a week. Why did you wait so long?" I asked.

"When everyone woke up the day you went missing, it was a frenzy. We searched the packland for two days, non-stop, before it was confirmed you weren't there. Everyone started freaking out when they realized that you were a rogue outside the borders and some people even thought you'd been killed. It wasn't until the day before yesterday that Madeline finally came out and told everyone you'd been kidnapped by him," he said stiffly, glaring at Luca.

Luca once again reared back to charge at Jonathan but I pulled his shirt back, stopping him.

"What else?" I asked.

"What else is there to tell? Your dad and Alpha Reid gave me and Waylon orders to

find you and return you home. Your dad is furious, you know? He'll kill Luca first chance he gets," Jonathan said.

Waylon. So that was the other wolf. I didn't know Waylon that well, he and Jonathan were cousins but I'd only seen him on various occasions. As awful as it may seem, I was relieved to know it wasn't someone close to me.

"He can try," Luca growled.

"If we promise to let you go, can you promise us that you'll return home and tell everyone I'm fine?" I asked.

"I'm not going home without you. I was given explicit orders to return with you or not return at all. Considering the beating Madeline took when everyone found out, I'm not

sure it was an empty threat either," Jonathan said, crossing his arms.

The temperature in the room dropped thirty degrees and I paled. "W-what?" I asked softly.

Jonathan nodded.

"Alpha Reid gave Madeline the biggest ass-whipping of her life when he found out she

knew what happened. She hadn't come out of her room since, when I left."

Tears gathered at the bottom of my eyelids and I struggled just to stay standing.

"He b-beat her?" I gasped, tears starting to drop, one-by-one, down my cheeks.

Jonathan nodded, not a glimpse of remorse or shame in his eyes.

"It would've been worse if you dad had gotten a hold of her," he said.

I couldn't take it anymore and my knees buckled under. Luca caught me, like he always

does, and lifted me out of the room. He slammed the steel door shut, causing the walls to shake and the doors to rattle on their hinges.

"W-we have to go g-get her!" I squealed, sobbing into Luca's shirt. "He h-hurt her because she helped us g-get away!" I stuttered.

Luca said nothing, only running his fingers through my hair and leaving lingering kisses on my forehead.

"We'll figure something out," he sighed.

"We need to do something now!" I yelled, still squalling like a baby.

"What happened?" Bates asked softly.

"Later," Luca said to him.

Bates and Blaine both nodded and then led the way back up the stairs. Luca carried me

up and out to the golf cart.

I couldn't remember the ride home, all I was seeing was red. I made a vow that I would go and get Mady; whatever it took.

Maybe Luca was rubbing off on me, but I decided then that Alpha Reid would regret ever laying a hand on her.noveldrama

She had helped me, now I was going to return the favor.

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