Can I Kiss You Hera?

"Goodbye Hera and safe travels." Christina wished her sister with a tight bear hug. She was really going to miss her and it was quite evident. She did the same to Bryce as well while sat on his hunches patiently waiting for the reunion to be over.

"I'm going to miss both of you." She confessed sadly. Her eyes almost tearing up but she struggled not to. This wasn't like before when she had no hope of seeing them anymore. She did. Bryce had promised her and the sisters also agreed to it. It didn't take much

convincing to get them on board with the plan.

At first, she had thought that the sisters, especially Martha would disapprove but then they didn't. In Martha's own words, she even said that she wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Bryce had really made quite an impression on them so now, it was up to her to fulfill her own end of the bargain.

"We prepared something for the trip back home." Martha handed them a well packaged basket filled with fruits and other essentials. "It's not much but we prepared it with love we hope that it'll do."

"You didn't have to." It was Bryce's turn to hug the older woman now and she let him. She patted his back affectionately. He felt a sense of warmth hugging her. Almost like he was hugging his own mother. It felt nice.

"We wanted to." She deadpanned. "It's the least that we can do for everything you've done for us so please accept it. And don't forget that you have a family here now Bryce. If there's anything we can do to help you in any way then you can always reach out to us or let us know about it."

Family? That word is suddenly starting to make a whole lot of sense now. It's been long since he had heard it and it gave him the feels but in a good way. He was glad to be a part of something so beautiful. It warmed up his insides.

"Of course Sister Martha." He pulled away from the hug and faced Christina. "Hope to see you soon little pumpkin and don't forget our deal." He added and ruffled her hair in an affectionate manner. "Never! I'll put it my best as though my life depends on it." She declared enthusiastically.

"I know you would."

After saying their goodbyes, they left for home. Hera felt sad and a little heartbroken that she was leaving but Bryce had promised that they would visit soon. Plus, Christina would be joining them very soon if everything goes well so she wouldn't be lonely anymore. "Are you okay?" Bryce asked, placing his hands on hers for comfort when he noted how silent she had become. She forced a smile at his question. She didn't want him to worry or feel bad that he was taking her away so that she doesn't hurt his feelings but she couldn't help it.

"You know that I'm always here to listen if you want to talk right?" He nudged her affectionately. In that moment, she felt very proud at how far he had come. He was being gentle with her. He had changed so much and she only prays that it lasts. Everyday, he showed her a new side to him and it marvelled her.

"I'll be fine."

"Thank you Bryce."

In response to that, he intertwined their hands together firmly.

"Why don't you rest for a while? It's going to be a long trip back home." He suggested and she nodded at him. The trip back home was very long and exhausting and after hours of being on the road, they finally arrived back home. Hera was fast asleep by the time they got home and Bryce didn't want to wake her up.

"You're back!" Mariam came out to welcome them when she heard them drove in. Bryce got out of the car and rounded it to the other side where Hera laid quietly. "How was the trip?"

He smiled at her. "Life changing. I had a great time. The best time of my life."

Mariam noticed how light his mood had become. Whatever happened at the convent these last few days must've been really good to keep him in such a mood.

"How is Hera?" She inquired, helping Bryce with the luggage out of the car. King raced out of the car and made his way towards the front porch, as if waiting for his master to open up the door.

"She's tired so i asked her to rest but she fell asleep." He answered. "I don't want to wake her up so maybe you can come and see her later when she does."

"Of course." Mariam conceded.

Bryce opened the door to where

Hera was and gently carried her into his arms. She purred softly when her head rested perfectly on his chest Bryce smiled at how innocent she looks straddled in his arms and Mariam didn't fail to notice how close they had become. Did something happen at the convent perhaps? Her boss was head over heels in love with this woman but the question is, has it realized it yet?

"Thank you Mariam." Bryce said gratefully when she helped him with his luggage inside his mansion. As soon as the shut the door behind her, King located his spot and settled there while Bryce took Hera up to his side of the bedroom. Placing her gently on the bed, he set out to take out her clothing one after the other, praying that she doesn't curse him when she wakes up.

Hera shifted comfortably on the bed and slowly opened her eyes. "Are we home already?" She asked in a groggy voice as her eyes roamed around the bedroom. "And why am i in your side of the bedroom?"

"Because my side of the room is obviously better than yours." He teased. Bryce had thought that she would complain or ask him to stop undressing her but she didn't. She was really starting to trust him now even though she flushed occasionally from time to time. Hopefully, he doesn't screw this up.

"Now, go to sleep." He kissed her forehead and proceeded to take his clothes off once he was finished with hers. Hera was half asleep but she knew when Bryce joined her in bed. The sudden dip of the bed was enough to give that away.

Turning to the other side, she

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supported her head with her hands as she faced him. "I haven't thanked you yet Bryce." She started. He looked at her lovingly. His eyes glazedover hers softly as she spoke. She was the only one that could push his buttons and he'd be denying it if he said that he didn't like it.

"Thank me for what?"

She yawned softly. "For agreeing to come with me for Thanksgiving. The sisters were very happy that you did and so was i. Also, thank you for Christina. I honestly can't thank you enough." She whispered in a small voice.

"How about we talk about it in the morning?" He suggested, reaching out to caress her cheeks with his free hand. "You need to rest Cara so that you don't get tired by tomorrow." He nipped the bridge of her nose with his fingers and pushed strand of her hair back. "Should we go out tomorrow and do something that you might like?" She asked but he only smiled. "I want to spend the day with you if it wouldn't be much trouble."

"Where would you like to go?" He

asked, scooting close to her so that they were only inches away from each other. Hera felt the doors of slumber opening up to her but she couldn't deny the fact that she felt heated due to Bryce's closeness. One of them was definitely going to get to her first and she was willing to bet that it was Bryce.noveldrama

He wasn't even touching her and she felt the sudden flutter in her lower abdomen just by looking at him and watching him staring down at her.

"I'll clear out my schedule and make out time for us to hang out together. Would you like that?" He asked and reached out to hold her face.

"Of course." She admitted.

Bryce pushed forward, closing the little space between them and she let him. At this point, he would do anything to her and she wouldn't stop him. She loved him that much even though he doesn't realize it yet.

"Can i kiss you Hera?" He requested, asking for her permission but he must've known that she wouldn't refuse him even if she wanted to. He'd ask for the whole world and she would definitely give it to him. He kissed her forehead and peppered light kisses over her face as if preparing her for what was to come next.

"What's your answer?" He asked in a rather husky voice as he nibbled on her lower lip, coaxing her to open up to him. She did and he took it causing her to moan into his mouth.

"So what do you

ay Cara?" He asked with a pause. "Can I?"

She nodded once. "Yes Bryce, you can."

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