Rejecting The Alpha Twins (Regan)

My Twins Baby 48

Chapter 48 Regan


I nibbled on my fingernail, feeling frustrated and confined. The longer I stayed inside my room, the more claustrophobic it felt. There was no denying that I was restless, my mood growing larker by the second. I was beginning to resent the mates I had, the pack I lived in, and for even being born a shifter. Such undeniable rage could not be controlled and the longer 1 continued to stew, the harder it remained to keep myself from doing something reckless until eventually I snapped. The fact it had taken so long was the only thing I was surprised by

Screw them all. They could all go to hell as far as I was concerned. What right did they have to order me to remain in my human form? What proof was there that somebody else would go to such lengths in order to lay their hands on a white wolf? All I had was their word and as far as I was concerned that was worth very little to me at the moment. I could feel Snow's concern as I suddenly turned and headed downstairs, my feet rushing, my heart thumping wildly. I had no qualms about try but I what I was about to do, nor did 1 care about the so-called consequences. If they wanted to punish me, they could was done with these games and with them trying to prevent me from living my life.I wanted to feel the rush again as 1 shifted, the wind in my fur and the freedom to explore. I barely made it out of the pack house before I transformed into my white wolf, springing directly towards the forest, my paws thudding heavily along the ground. I didn't waste any making it into the safety of the trees and the shelter of the shadows.


This is not the smartest idea. I'm sure your mates had your best interests at heart when they advised you not to shift Snow commented dryly, shaking her head and making me feel a spurt of anger toward her

They only care for themselves. I'm tired of being told what to do what to feel, what to say, it's like being confined in a prison cell. I deserve to feel freedom, Snow. I deserve to be like everybody else, without being under somebody else's control. Can't you see that? They aren't trying to control you; they are worried about your safety, she said primly.noveldrama

I snorted. Where was all this concern when I was being beaten by my father or even when they were daring to lay their hands on me? Suddenly they decide to become overprotective and I'm supposed to just accept it? As if the last few years didn't happen at all? They act as though I can't take care of myself when I've been doing just that for years, without their help I might addl

Your mates love you. They are doing what they can for you, but you won't let them in Regan. You keep pushing them away. You even rejected them once already. Right now, they feel like they have to be extra cautious in handling you.

Of course, I rejected them. I snapped back. They have always been arrogant and until now, they have never shown an ounce of caring for me. They might be sincere now, but that's the mate bond. If we weren't mates, they would be just as hateful and condescending towards me as before and I would be in the same position of being abused as I was before. Don't try and defend them to me, Snow. They know all too well what their actions were like. I am not easily manipulated into forgiveness like you are. I will not forget what they have done, simply because they are my mates. They have to earn forgiveness not just be given it.

Snow fell silent at the amount of anger in my voice, We careened into the forest, jumping over fallen tree branches and debris, trotting along the ground, our tail swishing happily behind us. Everything was so much better when you were in wolf form. 1 could smell the various scents of the forest, from the pinecones to the dirt and the mixture of old scents left behind by other shifters who had gone this way, I smelt the fresh leaves of the trees and could see further into the distance as I made my way deeper, feeling as though a huge weight had lifted off my shoulders. I knew that the Alpha boys would be angry I had disobeyed them, but in that moment, I no longer cared. My ears pricked as I heard a scuttling sound and I tensed, only to giggle inwardly as a rabbit came bounding out in front of me, its eyes widening in panic before it quickly rushed to scramble away from me. Even the warmth of the sun on my back and through my fur felt pleasant

Iran. I ran so hard that when we finally stopped, my chest was covered in sweat, my fur matted, my breathing heavy. We had covered a great distance in what I considered to be a relatively short amount of time, and it looked as though we were remarkably agile and fast. I marveled at that, glancing over the cliffside as we sat on our haunches, looking over the pack, my nose wrinkling at the various smells as I took time to rest and recover.

The pack looks so small from up here I thought absent-mindedly

Just because something is small doesn't mean that it's not powerful Snow's voice echon/

my mind as I silently agreed with


Even the smallest of things could be the most powerful if given the chance.

1 could see the sun beginning to set. We had been out for hours, enjoying the feel of the wind in our fur. At one stage we had even hunted down a small critter as part of a feast and I had let Show take over as we ate it, our stomach satiated from the meal I was surprised that we hadn't been tracked down by Xander and Xavier yet, my body tensing as I considered the inevitable confrontation that would take place. I knew how angry they would be that I had defied them but part of me welcomed that anger. At least they would know how it felt for once. Either Xander and Xavier are distracted, and they don't know I made it out here or.....

Nobody saw you dash to the forest, which is hardly surprising, considering we are faster than the average shifter. Nobody was near the pack house, Snow supplied which means our mates didn't know we were missing, or they didn't know where we were. We should go back to them, she suggested tentatively I don't feel comfortable out here.

1 pouted, not wanting to go back. Come on Snow, just a little longer? Who knows when we'll get out here again, I said despondently. I had a feeling that the Alpha twins would make certain that I couldn't get out so easily the next time, finding myself feeling resentful towards the two of them once again.

I could see Snow open her mouth to reply before we stiffened as a repugnant smell hit our nostrils. It smelled so putrid that I gagged, our body standing up and turning around slowly. Rotten meat and rotten eggs. The distinct smell of another wolf. one that you did not want to meet in the forest on your own. They shouldn't even be this close to our territory, but the proof was there in the scent and smell that continued to waft toward us. I swallowed hard, knowing instinctively what we were about to face, realizing what my recklessness had led to. Snow was not as panicked, remaining quite calm as she spoke to

Rogues. They must have picked up our scent. There is more than one of them. Move away from the edge of the cliffside Regan and don't let them back you towards it. Keep calm. They can smell your fear. Don't let them see that you're afraid. Keep calm.

I gritted my teeth. Rogues were wolves who had abandoned their packs and lived solitary lives, roaming the natural territories between other packs. They also tried to take over a pack by force when they came in numbers or would kill and murder shifters for food. We had been taught since we were small of the dangers. Heck, I had lost my own mother to a rogue attack. What were rogues doing so close to my pack? I swallowed hard, my eyes scanning the surrounding foliage, my eyes widening slightly as one, two, three, four, no more than five rogues stepped out of the shadows, their red eyes gleaming, snarls on their faces, and froth foaming at the mouth. For the first time. I became paralyzed with fear as they began to walk towards me, their tails swishing madly as they began to give me wicked grins.


10:20 Sat. Jan 11 D

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