No longer a pushover (Noelle and Cedric)

Noelle and Cedric Chapter 69

The genuinely did not have the patience le to deal with them. She did not want to for her appetite from watching Xenia also put on her pitiful act

Xenia stated toy. It's my fault it's all my fault! You should blame me for all of this

"You're way too kind, Kenia. It anyone were to leave, it should be Noella" replied Lucas.

Noelle instantly agreed. "Yeah, sure! I'll leave!" Now that she had achieved her goal, she did not need to stay around any longer and continue wasting time.

Frank immediately explained. "You can't leave, Noelle. This is your home! Where else would you go?"

"Just deactivate her credit card, Frank We'll see how long she can last out there by herself" said Lucas.

Noelle was unlared as she did not take Lucas' words to heart "Whatever." was a memory!

ory that she would never ever ever forget. She realized that

In her previous life, she had ended up wandering the streets and begging for food when her credit card was deactivated. It was a she had to vain her own money to survive.

Noelle returned to her room, grabbed a backpack, and staffed it with some cloches and her ID, leaving everything else behind. Frank began to panic. "Don't haten to Lucas, Noelle. Didn't you say that you'd be coming home after the exams?" Noelle's gaze was as calmas ever. "Yeah, I did say that."

She knew that Frank and Lucas would have probably interfered with her exams if she had not said so. Now that the exams were oven, nothing was left to hold her back. And with that, she had no reason to continue putting up with the Liddells. Frank splied. "We're a family, Noelle, 's only normal to have a few disagreements but it's fine so long as it's nothing major, right? I know that you've been wronged in the past. I promise that I'll make it up to you."

He had not slept a wink last night but did not dare to approach Noelle either. As certain things became dear to him, memories of the past continued to stab into his heart like daggers, keeping him awake through the night.

He realized that Noella had been treated undalily since the Liddell family adopted Xenis. And with how many years it had lasted, Frank could not bear even to imagine all the pain Noelle had gone through.

The more he attempted to think about it, the more panicked he became

Noelle smiled and calmly replied, "Don't say that, Frank. I've been considering looking for a part-time job after the exams and learning to live alone. You can let Xenia have my room. Her father saved my life, after all. It's only right to treat her well" Luck walked over and snorted. "You should've done that a long time apoli

He believed that Noelle was, in fact, afraid of cutting ties with the family.

Nelle en continued, "Now that the exams are over, Xenia should return to the team and competing just because she sucks at the game, it wouldn't be fair

Luca expression shifted as he replied, "O-of course see to it'

her training she's a member of Team Luminak, after all. You shouldn't bar her from

the then nodded and said, "That's great Alright. I'll be leaving now. Just let me know it anything comes up. With that, she headed downstairs without even looking back once Lucas started to panic. "Are you really just gonna let her go, Frank". told her to leave? Weren't you the one who said that you wanted to cut ties with her?

Frank smiled helplessly and replied, "What else can I do? Weren't you the one who told

was just staying it out of impulsetnoveldrama

"Listen, Luras. The words you say don't just disappear from our memory?

The datage caused by buttal words wooldaemu

Frank felt extremely helpless Looking at Lures, he uwa tellection of his past self.

Xenia noticed Frande's demeanor change and said, "It's okay, Frank I'll move out instead Alter that, you should convince Noelle to come home."

Frank shook his head andiepled. "I's fine. You can stay with us." The issue with Noelle would not be trialed by simply having Xenia move away from the house However, Kenda insisted, saging. "The already made up my mind, Hank. Thank you for taking care of me for all these years." She then left to pack her things. Trank'urlunge of attitude was properise way tooted Xenia knew that it the did not make a drastic move herself, he would begin to suspect her. anything wrong!

nia's never felt nate İlving with us because of Noelle Frank, can't you see? Noelle's just throwing a tantur by force Xenia to leave! But Xenia has never done

"Holle had endured a lot over the years."

"But Kenia's father and Noelle del So what it Noelle coffein late? the deantobe puteti

Frank struggled to beatle after listening to Ences" reply. He clutched onto his chest as he gasped for ali The next moment, he fell unconscious and collapsed onto the thor

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