Letting My Brother's Best Friend Take My V-Card (Jessie and Luke)

My Husband 380



The night air was crisp, carrying the scent of pine and earth. I watched the kids sprawl across the open field, their faces tilted toward the sky. Asha sat between my two gremlins, pointing excitedly at the constellations as the guide explained something about the North Star. Luke was supposed to be here. I was not cut out for camping. I needed a bed, air conditioning, and more than anything else - insect repellant. Luke wasn't even supposed to play this weekend. They gave him off to rest his knee, but the team coach called at the last minute, saying they needed him on the bench as a backup because Coleman got a concussion during practice and was out.

S here I was, full of insect bites, a stiff neck from sleeping on the ground and shitty coffee.

The other parents were gathered off to the side, murmuring amongst themselves, but I wasn't paying attention to them. "Things we do for our children, right?" One of the fathers who helped me set up my tent mumbled, pulling a face as he sipped the coffee they provided. You'd think for all the money we paid, they'd at least have decent caffeine.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, and I instinctively reached for it. "Don't say a word!" I gave him a pointed look before smiling as he zipped his lips. "Promise."



Technically, no technology was allowed.

But that rule was for the kids, right? I wasn't sure - these Camp Masters - they called themselves were pretty scary even for me.

I smirked, but before I could unlock the screen, I caught one of the nature guides throwing me a pointed look from across the field. They were really serious about this whole 'unplug and reconnect with nature' thing. Whatever.

Ignoring the judgmental glare of some overzealous camping dad, I pushed up from my seat and glanced back at the kids. My two little gremlins were still mesmerized by the sky. Asha nestled between them, looking more at peace than I'd seen her in a long time. Good.

Slipping away from the group, I glanced at my screen.


I smiled to myself and answered. "Hey-"


His voice faded in and out, something about 'bad signal' and 'trying to call earlier.

I sighed. "Shitty reception," I muttered, glancing around.

The camp wasn't exactly the best place for cell service, but I figured getting to higher ground might help. Spotting a small hill a little ways off, I started hiking toward it, my boots crunching 28.77%




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against the dirt path.

"I'll call you back in a minute, babe!" I said quickly before the line cut out completely.

Great. I need to get to higher ground - or at least that's what they do in the movies.

Tucking my phone back into my pocket, I picked up the pace, determined to find just enough of a signal to hear whatever Luke was trying to tell me.

I grumbled under my breath as I picked my way up the rocky incline, my phone clutched tightly in one hand. Stupid mountain. Stupid no-signal camp. Stupid, stupid-

My boot suddenly caught on a loose rock, and before I could stop myself, my foot slipped.


I hit the ground hard, my knees slamming against the uneven terrain, pain jolting up my legs.

"Oh, for fuck's sake," I hissed, pressing my palms into the dirt. I stayed there for a second, breathing through the sting, hating every single thing about this godforsaken nature retreat. Who the hell thought it was a good idea to drag adults into this? This was for the kids!

With a muttered curse, I pushed myself back up, brushing the dirt off my scraped knees and glaring at the stupid mountain like it personally offended me.

"Unplug and reconnect, my ass," grumbled, hauling myself the





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rest of the way up.

Finally, at the peak, I pulled my phone out again, holding it up and watching as the signal flickered between one bar and none. Come on, come on...

Then-finally-a single bar.

I wasted no time hitting redial, and after a second, Luke's voice crackled through the speaker.


"I'm here," I said quickly, breathless from my climb. "Barely. This place is a death trap."


Then his voice came through, choppy and barely understandable.

"...Laura... Germany... called to say... was a shock but... looks good... flights out... need Josh..."

I frowned, straining to piece together the broken fragments of his words.

What the hell?noveldrama

"Babe," I cut in, frustrated. "Whoa-what the hell are you saying?"

But Luke's voice was still breaking up, and as the words Laura and Germany echoed in my ears, something cold settled in my chest.

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