Falling For My Ex's Dad (Clarissa and Gabriel)

Dad By Oma 7

Chapter 7 The Mystery Woman

Gabriel's POV

"How bad?" I asked, my anger slowly building. Just as I suspected, he had made a mistake and was probably in need of help.

“Really bad, Dad. I messed up the one good thing I had going on in my life.”

“What happened?" I asked, wanting to hear the full story before reacting. Over the years, I learned to wait for all the information before giving a response.

“It's my girlfriend..... I messed up badly with her."

“Girlfriend?” I repeated, relieved that it was a relationship issue and not something more serious. I let out the breath I'd been holding and leaned back in my chair. “I didn't know you had a girlfriend.”

"Dad, I do... we've been together for a year and a half.”

My eyes widened in surprise.

"I'm sorry I kept it hidden. I wanted to tell you at the right time."

“You kept a serious relationship secret from me? I thought we were close. But apparently, you still see me as an old man who doesn't need to know everything about your life,” I said, hurt but willing to move on. “I'm disappointed, but let's focus on what you did."

"I cheated," he blurted out, the remorse clear on his face. “Last night she walked in on me with another woman."

“Adrian,” I said sternly, my anger rising. “What the hell?”noveldrama

“Dad, I need your help, not your judgment,” he pleaded, his voice full of desperation.

“You're right,” I raised my hands in surrender. “So, I assume your relationship with her is serious, and you want to win her back?"

"Yes, Dad, exactly," he exclaimed, his desperation clear. "I want her back. It was a stupid moment of weakness, and I regret it."

“Are you sure you regret it, or is it just the guilt?" I questioned. While I had a cold view on relationships, lying and cheating were things I couldn't tolerate, especially after what Angelique had done to me. It was better to be honest upfront rather than hurt someone later.

"Dad... I love her. It was a mistake."

“How many times has this 'mistake' happened?” I pressed, wanting to give him the right advice. I didn't want him to keep hurting someone who didn't deserve it.

“Once,” he lied, but I fixed my gaze on him, a tactic I'd perfected over the years. He knew I could see right through him.

"Fine, Dad... a few times."

"A few?" I teased.

"Fine... more times than I can count. But it's only because we're not having sex, and as the months went by, it became harder to control my..." He trailed off, clearly ashamed.

"Why weren't you both having sex?" I asked, surprised. I knew my son well enough to understand how important that aspect of a relationship was to him.

"Well... she wanted to wait until marriage, and I agreed."

My eyes widened in even greater shock. A smirk graced my lips.

"Dad, it's not funny," he said, confused by my reaction.

"I know it's not. But you agreeing to keep the marriage bed untouched is laughable, and I think you know that. So why did you agree?"

"Because she's different... innocent, sweet. She has the purest heart out of all the women I've met. She's the reason this restaurant is successful and helped me turn my life around. I knew I couldn't let sex make me lose someone so good, especially after what Mom did to you."

"Leave your mom out of this," I warned. "People make their own choices, and your mother made hers."

"That's exactly my point. My girlfriend is different. She's the kind of woman who would never cheat on me or leave. I can't lose her-I need her back."

"Hmmm,” I said, contemplating his situation. I hadn't heard him say he loved her, which concerned me. “Adrian, listen. You're my son, and I want to help you, but it's my duty to be honest with you,” I said, locking eyes with him.

He nodded, his attention fixed on me.

"Adrian, you need to be sure about what you want and why. From what you've told me, she seems like a good person. You've hurt her, so it's not just about fixing things—it's about ensuring it doesn't happen again. You understand better than anyone how cheating can destroy a relationship.”

“I promise, Dad. I'll never cheat on her again,” he pleaded, desperation clear in his voice. “Just tell me how to fix this. I know you have the answer."

“Adrian... cheating is an action that hurts your partner and sometimes is capable of destroying them and the relationship you both worked hard to build." I expected Adrian to know better.

“Dad...... please..... there must be something I can do to get her back,” he begged, his eyes sincere as he reached out to hold my hand. The look in his eyes softened my heart.

“I can suggest a few things, but I don't know if they'll work. It all depends on her-how well she knows her worth, how much her love for you can endure, and whether you can prove you've changed.”

“Dad, I have to make her forgive me and prove I'm worthy of a second chance."

"First, I have to ask—are you prepared to stay celibate from now on?" I raised an eyebrow, knowing this would be a challenge for him.

"I'll do whatever it takes to get her back," he said earnestly.

"If you're sure, then you need to make a sincere apology and go the extra mile. Show no pride. Humble yourself and prove you're truly sorry."

“I've done that..... but she hasn't responded."

Adrian stood up and surprised me with a hug. "Thanks, Dad, for always being there when I need you. This means everything to me. I love you."

I returned the embrace, patting his back. "I love you more, son." Moments like this made fatherhood worth every challenge. Despite his mistakes, Adrian was trying, and that was all I could ask for.

"Remember," I added as we pulled apart, "be sure of what you want and don't hurt her again. If you're ready to change, be the man she deserves."

He nodded earnestly. "I will, Dad. I'm ready."

I gave him a final pat on the back. "Good. Now, I've got to run. Be good."

As I left Adrian's restaurant, his confession kept replaying in my mind. It hurt to know my son had become a cheat, the very thing that nearly tore our family apart years ago. Still, I felt some relief knowing he was willing to change and make things right.

I had met several of Adrian's girlfriends in the past, but none sounded like the woman he described. Who was she, this woman who had affected him so deeply?

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