Contractually Yours Alpha (Riley)

Claim Me 498

Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen

I felt so stupid foolish enough to believe I was the queen in this game, with everyone else as mere pawns in my scheme. Little did I know there was a master plan, one far greater than iny petty game. And in His plan, I was nothing more

than a pawn.

"You released those flesh eaters that attacked me; I could have died!"

"That wasn't exactly part of my plan, but again, I didn't think you would go running off."

"You want me to believe that everything you said to me was a lie, but I don't believe that. I know there was some truth to it all; you took the blame for me, risking your life. More than once you've risked your very position to make sure I am fed; you saved me from them. The kiss we shared in the lake, the memories we've made-they aren't fake; they are all real."

I sounded so sure of myself, but in reality, I wasn't. Perhaps it was all real to me, but never real to him.

Trian-no, Daemon-gripped my chin, his eyes flashing from their usual blue to pure black before returning to their original color. I had believed I was imagining it last night; when he saw the blood, the same thing happened. I shoved away all the signs standing right in front of me.

"Everything I did, I did just so you could trust me. You would never have willingly run away with me. And while it would be fun to steal you, your cooperation would make things much easier."

I shattered, sobs racking my body. "You bastard! How could you?"

"You wanted to know who I am; well, now you have your answer."

"I gave you my body, my virginity, I trusted you, I loved you, and you used me."

I thought I saw a flicker of emotion in his eyes, but it disappeared too soon, and he stared back at me with empty, cold eyes.

"That was your decision; you wanted it, and I gave it to you'

All the pain I felt twisted into anger, and I lunged at him. I hit him as hard as I could, clawing at his flesh-and he let me; he didn't even move. It took me a short moment to register that he wasn't even a bit affected by my violent


I wanted to hurt him; I had never felt the strong urge to hurt anyone before, but I wanted to hurt him so bad. I had let him defile me; the Empresses wouldn't take me back, not like this. He deceived me, making me believe he was giving me freedom; it was a lie. Julia was right. She had tried to protect me, but I fled from her safety-straight- into the arms of the devil himself.

I ran as fast as my feet could carry me. Before he could register what I was about

to do, I had the transparent glass container in my hands-the one that held the amulet-and hurled it straight through the window.

"No!" he snarled, before disappearing-no doubt to reclaim it.

This was my chance to escape; I ran for the exit. I was so close to the door when I felt arms wrap around my waist.

A scream tore from my lips as Daemon slung me over his shoulder. My attempts

to break free were futile; he shoved me into the room and locked the door behind


"Let me go!"

"If I may ask, where do you plan on going to? Without your virginity, you are impure and worthless to them."

"That's why you did it, isn't it?"

Chapter One Hundred and Sixten


I slapped him hard. "Don't you ever call my name again, you bastard!"

"Do you think they are any different from me?" he asked, now he was furious.

"They tried protecting me; you stole me, fucked me, and broke my trust." Broke my heart.

"Their duty was to protect you until the day of The Encounter-but had you ever thought to ask what would happen after that?"

"I don't care. Whatever it was, I would have preferred it."

"You were going to die, you stupid girl. The god of light needed your body, not you."



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