Bound by Tension



I round the massive marbled island in our kitchen, a bowl of freshly washed

strawberries in my hand as I walk into the living room. This penthouse suite has always felt massive, until Aislin came home. Even with her nursery, it feels like our entire place has become baby central. She has a bassinet in our bedroom, a full nursery filled with things that she probably won't need anytime soon, and our living room has all sorts of things baby monitor, nursing pillows, gifts from people (including tons of packages that we keep getting sent most of which we will probably donate because it's all things we don't need), and of course, tons of blankets and laundry that we haven't got


When people said that transitioning from no baby to having a baby is hard, they weren't kidding. Between trying to adjust to breastfeeding and waking up for Aislin and changing diapers, it feels like life has done a 360. The past four weeks since she was born has flown by, and I'm not complaining at the least. She's definitely brought Asa and I closer than I thought she would, and it's been so nice to have all this time to ourselves.

With the exception of Lauren, Zac, Andrew, and Lydia, we haven't seen anyone else. Unfortunately, Asa's probably going to start going back to the office soon, but I still have a couple weeks that I've blocked off to spend with Aislin. Even then, I don't see myself spending much time away from her. I'm so attached, but I think Asa's even more


She's daddy's little princess already. As I step onto our shaggy gray rug, I can't help but smile at the little girl laying on Asa's bare chest. He's awake but has his eyes closed as his hand rubs her back gently. She's fast asleep, curled against his body, hands in a fist and butt sticking up slightly. She's got on a striped pink and white onesie, and her lips are parted a bit. It's the most adorable sight.

I love seeing them together - my two favorite people in the world. I can't believe that I have a husband and a daughter, especially because a little over a year ago, I wouldn't have even considered the possibility of having either. Now, they're my entire world.

"You're doing that thing again," Asa mumbles softly as his eyes flutter open, glancing up at me. He gives me a sly grin, and I roll my eyes playfully before sinking down onto the rug, right against the couch as I sit close to them. His face is right at my level, and he speaks softly as to not wake Aislin. "Staring at us."

"I can't help it. It's so cute. I can't believe how big she's getting already. It shouldn't be allowed. I feel like it's flying by and there's nothing I can do to stop it," I say softly as I brush my fingers over her head. It's so soft, especially with her dark little strands of hair that cover her head. It's not much hair, but definitely something she got from me. She has Asa's hazel eyes though, and I'm hoping that they don't darken as she gets older, because it's one of my favorite things about him.

"Hmm," Asa kisses my cheek softly, his free arm coming around my shoulder and his fingers brushing across my back. "We can always make another one, you know."

I shake my head, stifling a laugh. This man hasn't stopped joking about having more babies since Aislin was born, which is fine, because we've talked about it. We both want her to have siblings, and hopefully fairly close in age. Asa and Andrew were only a couple years apart, and Zac and I had a few years between us, but having siblings growing up was the best for both of us and something we want Aislin to have too.

But not anytime soon. A lot of people talk about having two under two, and I just don't know if that's something we can do. Obviously nothing is happening anytime soon, but it would be kind of nice too. We haven't really decided on anything in terms of timing, but we know for a fact we want another baby in the future.

"Fine, no baby talk yet, but there's something else I can think of instead," Asa nuzzles his head in the side of my head, pulling me closer to him with his hand on my shoulder. "Let's get married."

I raise my eyebrows at him, slightly confused, but mostly thinking about how ridiculous he sounds.

"We are married. Is your baby brain so bad that you have forgotten?" I laugh, shaking my head softly but not enough to disturb him leaning on me or our cute little sweetheart that's still fast asleep on his chest.noveldrama

"Trust me, I could never forget that I married the most incredible woman in the world...but you know what I mean. Let's plan a wedding. I wanna see you walk down the aisle, and Aislin in a flower girl dress," he remarks, and I pull away to look at him like he's actually crazy.

I know that he mentioned us having a wedding when we first got married, but I didn't think that he was being serious about it. Actually, I did think he was serious, but I thought that after Aislin was born, life would just take off and we wouldn't come back to the subject.

"Are you serious?" I whisper softly, genuinely surprised.

"Of course. It can be whatever you want it to be. Big, small, just family, I don't really care about the details...but I want to get to see you walk down the aisle in your dress, and I know mom would love to see it, and I have an inkling that Zac would want to walk you down the aisle too," Asa plays with a few strands of my hair, and I smile at him.

This is insane, right?

But it might also be cute, and I always thought about all the flowers, and dress shopping, and he's so right, Aislin would be the perfect little flower girl.

"We would have to wait a while. Aislin can't walk yet, and I think it would be too hectic to have a wedding so soon after having a baby," I regress, knowing that I'm trying to come up with excuses, but also knowing very well that none of my excuses could ever work on this husband of mine anyways.

"Isn't that even better? You'll have time to plan everything you want and take as much time as you need," Asa kisses the top of my head, before gliding his hand from my back to the back of my neck instead, turning my head and pulling me to kiss him. It's a deep kiss, and does something to my heart - yeah yeah, I still get butterflies and my heart still skips a beat on occasion. "I love you so goddamn much Cassandra."

"I love you too, Asa."

Just as expected, that's the exact moment that Aislin decides to wake up. We've been so lucky, because for the most part, she doesn't really cry much. With a small little scrunch of her nose, her eyes open just a sliver, and she lets out a small wail, before realizing that she's in Asa's arms. I admire her, taking in those hazel eyes that she's got from her daddy.

Upon the wonderful discovery that she's in his arms, it's like all of her problems have been resolved, and she flexes her fingers, which are almost always in little fists, and parts her lips. I'm sure she's hungry, it's almost time for her feeding. Thankfully, she's no longer cluster feeding, but she does eat quite often with how young she is.

"Bet she's either pissing or shitting right now," Asa chuckles, and I laugh, shaking my head.

"Sometimes, I forget that you're still a guy," I roll my eyes at him. It's crazy how much love I have for these two, but that love is totally reciprocated by him. I don't know how I ever doubted anything between us before. It's always been him.

It's not just how he treats me, but also how closely he pays attention to every little thing and how deeply he cares about everything he does. Asa makes an effort for his job, time and time again, when he has enough power and money to not care anymore. Same goes for his family his sacrifices for us, his mother, and even Lauren and Andrew. Plus, he makes an effort for those in my life. Zac and Asa have a weird brotherly relationship blooming that is slightly unnerving (yes, I may be a little jealous that Asa bodes well with Zac), but also makes me so happy.

He's the perfect guy. The perfect husband. And now the most perfect daddy to our sweet little girl. I don't know how life could get any better than this.

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