Alpha's Blind Luna

Chapter 66

"The BloodHunter Coven, after being reduced to ash and any suspected members removed, they had no way of rebuilding Nova into Nova 2.0 as they do not exist anymore."

Dr. J followed up to Ophilla. "As far as we know, the BloodHunter Coven has been completely dismantled, correct. The removal of the previous High Council members also insured that no sympathizers or members were amongst their numbers."

"Which wouldn't make any sense as Nova 2.0 is now being distributed out there." Ophilla turned to the camera. "However, there is a common link between these drugs and that is the High Council, also linked by the Luna Queen."

My eyes widened. They couldn't be. There was no way. I looked at Vale but he didn't seem to catch on yet, his brow still furrowed like everyone else as their eyes were glued to the TV. Jax looked at me for a moment and seemed to understand as well but I looked back over to Bryan. He only gave me a curt nod.

"The High Council originally ordered the confiscation of the drug in Russia. They also requested Nova to be removed. The information of how to produce the drug would all be within the archives of the High Council. Auri Meadows also would have had a hand in the making of Nova 2.0. She would have provided her experience and the knowledge of what it did to her to help usher in a new werewolf powerhouse. Taking over both the High Council, as she was the one who decided on the new members, as well as lifting werewolf packs above other supernatural beings." She paused for dramatic moment but I could see it in her eyes that she was getting to what she wanted this whole segment.

"Now, I know you are an expert in the Nova 1.0 but you also have been looking into Nova 2.0 as it seems to have the same effects from the initial findings of Nova 1.0 on werewolves."

The doctor took a deep breath. "Yes, yes I have."

"I would like to hear your findings about the drug, if you don't mind."

"Nova 2.0 is an adjustment of the levels of which supernatural ingredients go into the making of the drug. It nearly doubles the amount of strength and agility the first Nova did. It even removed the pesky side effect of your eyes turning different colors. However, it does make some of the side effects worse.: His voice dropped low as he said the last sentence. Almost like he was ashamed of it or of what he had created.

Ophilla didn't seem to notice or care. "What would that be?"

"Their humanity. In my research with Nova 1.0, The Huntress did feel as though she felt herself slipping away. What made her who she was. Those emotions and that humanity had been removed over the three years of usage at the time. She feared more time, more years, on the drug would make their emotions inaccessible for good. She did say they eventually stopped taking the drug with no long term side effects."

A picture of Auri came up on the screen, it was recent, as she was with Simon in one of the smaller towns just outside the territory. Her eyes were looking directly at the camera, like she was pinpointing it, most likely in search for me and any trace of where I was being kept.

The issue was that the shot showed exactly what they wanted, her eyes being the supernova that she had taken during my rescue. Bryan explained a bit of what had happened but I had more an idea considering all the conversations I'd had with Auri. She'd told me some of things she'd gone through and I couldn't believe she wasn't on it more. This was fuel for their fire.

"This was recently taken of the Luna Queen, obviously taking Nova 1.0 which was thought to have been destroyed. She has had access to the drug this whole time, lending more proof to the idea that she has facilitated the creation of Nova 2.0. There is something that is so much worse though, isn't that right doctor?"

"It makes a specific side effect worse, yes."

The anchorwoman nodded, concern written all over her face. It seemed forced though, like she was trying just a little too hard. "Which is that?" "Nova 2.0 seems to exponentially increase the loss of a werewolf's humanity."

"What do you mean by that?"

Dr. J seemed thoroughly uncomfortable and I felt the same even though we know what he was about to say. "Within a few months of taking Nova 2.0 consistently, those emotions and that humanity, are lost to the werewolves; permanently. Even if they stop taking the drug, they will never regain their ability to feel or to access their humanity."

"So, what you're saying is that this drug was distributed with the promise of extra strength but after a few months of taking it, a werewolf will never be able to feel again? Wouldn't that be the first thing to tell anyone potentially wanting to take this drug? Would that not be a huge issue for the High Council and the current Alpha King? Would they not want to take action?"

"According to reports, the currently Alpha King has been doing his best to track down the distributors and stop the drug from being provided to the packs. He also has been alerting packs of the dangerous and life altering side effect of the drug."

Ophilla tried to hide the smirk on her face. "But not the High Council. The same one that was instated by the Luna Queen. The same person with all the knowledge and understanding of the drug. The same one who fought in wars previously and who was willing to fight the vampires all on her own for her own goals."

"The High Council has said nothing in regards to the issue with the drug. Neither has the Luna Queen or the previous Alpha King."

I heard Vale curse. His face was white and he leaned forward. He started to understand what was going on. Everyone did, all of them in different states of shock.

Turning, Ophilla looked directly at the camera, looking to every single person who had been watching or will watch this broadcast. "Some of you might be thinking, why the hell does this matter? We know of the drug, it doesn't matter to us or affect us since we aren't werewolves. The High Council doesn't even matter to us. Why should we care what is going on with them?" her hands fell flat against the table. "However, you should care. This matter touches every single one of us, even humans. Every race, every supernatural being should be fearful of how this could turn ugly very quickly. Dr. J, you adjusted the original drudge from Russia to become Nova 1.0. Can you please tell me the ingredients that are in Nova 1.0?" "The main ingredients are wolfsbane, vampire venom, and pixie dust."

"Now these ingredients, while not illegal, are hard to come by. The amount needed to originally for Nova 1.0 was astronomical but the BloodHunter Coven was spread far and wide with much more influence. Now though, we are doing with a bit of a different drug and a different distributor, correct?" The doctor nodded. "The level of ingredients for Nova 2.0 is much larger per pill than what was with Nova 1.0. It's a far more concentrated dosage. Making it nearly impossible to get that much ingredients considering the scope it has already come up in recent."

Ophilla nodded. "So, what do you think is going on to produce the potency of this drug in such a short about of time?"

The doctor held up a bag full of tablets. Ones that I had described to me by Hector and Bryan previously but I hadn't seen them myself. Everyone else had a frown on their face as he set the bag on the desk. "While wolfsbane is far more easily procured and can be grown in large batches easily. Magic can also be used to grow herbs and plants faster. It's vampire venom and pixie dust that is not as readily available."

"So how could someone get those items in large quantity, quickly?"

The doctor crossed his legs and intertwined his fingers. "It wouldn't be really a matter of getting more in large quantity, but rather the potency of the ingredients. If you had more potency, you wouldn't need as much of a quantity. In the case of vampire venom, it would be direct parts of a vampire. The body parts directly involved in creating the venom would be the best. The same could be said for the pixie dust. A fey has magic steeped into their bones and that strength of an ingredient you would need a fraction of how much pixie dust you would need."

Turing back to look directly at the camera, directly at us, Ophilla had a solemn look on her face. "For a couple years now, we have been trying to find the connection as to why we are having an increase in disappearances. Whether it be children from tribes of fey, children from witches, newly initiated vampires, or werewolf pups. Each of these seemingly separate, but a sign that the tables were turning on the peace we once lived in."

There was a collective gasp in the room but we didn't have time to collect ourselves as Ophilla continued.noveldrama

"Finding the link between these, we are able to see that this is a much larger scale than just what a single Luna Queen could devise. She would need a much larger entity to be behind these disappearances, one such as the High Council to not just turn a blind eye, but participate in those wide scope attack on our peace."

Lucy leaned forward, shaking her head. "Oh fuck...oh fuck..."

I agreed but none of us could move. Even my lungs could barely take in air.

"To all of you sitting, standing, reading, or watching this program, I asked earlier why should you care when it doesn't affect you. The problem is, it affects all of us. Witches and werewolves being used to grow more wolfsbane at a quicker rate. Fey and vampires lives to help create a more potent and potentially dangerous drug. Your life could be in danger just by merely being an ingredient. Or worse."

She paused for dramatic effect again. "We have been worried now that the werewolves were getting too powerful, throwing their weight around against their neighbors that they have had peace previously before. Now, with the introduction of this drug, we are looking at a far more dangerous threat. Some packs are starting to ban together under the flag of the previous Alpha King. While we haven't heard from the Luna Queen herself within the packs, its safe to assume she has no issues with the use of the drug to become the main force of all the supernaturals."

The photo of Auri under the influence of the Nova 1.0 came up and I started to shake. Jax put his hand on my knee but it didn't help. At first, they had been actually fairly factual but now everything they were saying was conjecture. It was pulling threads together and even creating them so they would fit.

"With the High Council turning their back, or even going as far as helping them, we could be looking at a shift in power. One where everyone is at the whims of the werewolves. Not just that, but these werewolves have super strength with no humanity behind them to say...give mercy to the people who don't want to fight."

I couldn't. Standing up, I turned around and wrapped my arms around my waist. This was too much. My walls had already gone up to leave Vale out of my feelings but I felt myself shaking even harder. A hand fell on my shoulder and I looked up to see Bryan. His face was serious but even the slight squeeze made me feel a little better.

"I understand that there are those select few who have been trying to help this situation. Some of the council members such as Mark Witton and Pietro Kardoff have been working with Alpha King Vale Everfell in trying to help those who have missing children and were even able to help some witch children find their way back home. The problem was that they were taken by a werewolf pack, under the influence of the Nova 2.0. Proving that there is a link between these disappearances and werewolves themselves."

I squeezed my eyes shut. It was all I could do to keep from covering my ears. I knew I needed to keep listening but I didn't want to. Farsi was whining and pacing, feeling the extreme of my discomfort.

"The High Council has not taking a single action in regards to these disappearances. Them not saying anything in regards to the side effects of Nova 2.0. We can see the only link from Nova 1.0 to Nova 2.0 is the fact that the High Council had the information needed provided by the Luna Queen and would definitely have the resources at their disposal to distribute it. The reason why no one has looked into the distributors like they did originally with both the original drug but also Nova 1.0 is because it was in favor of a specific race and against another. But the disappearances and how this new drug created should have everyone up in arms. We are losing our children to this and we may lose our future as well."

There was a long pause and I turned finally to look at the screen but it wasn't over.

"Thank you Dr. J, for coming on and having the courage to tell your story. I am Ophilla and we bring you the supernatural news as it breaks. Have a good night and your regularly scheduled news will continue after these messages."

The TV finally went black and stayed that way for a moment before Pipsqueak popped up back on the screen. She was curled up in her chair, her arms wrapped around her knees. Lucy had her face buried in Felix's chest. Simon had gotten up and was leaning an arm against the wall, his forehead leaning against it. Vale was just sitting in the chair, shell shocked. AJ was looking at Jax who was staring at the ground, his knees shaking as mine were just moments before. I started to shake my head until I finally leaned against the glass window and brought my hands to my face.

"We are so fucked."

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